Internet Sex Crimes

A conviction for a sex crime involving children can be difficult, if not impossible, to comprehend. Not only do you face years in prison, but also destroyed relationships, a broken family and the lifetime stigma attached to sex offender registration. The evidence collected from your computer hard drive could be enough for the prosecution to obtain a conviction — if you don’t have an experienced and aggressive criminal defense lawyer on your side.

If you are facing allegations, have been arrested for or are being questioned about an Internet sting operation, possessing child pornography or another Internet sex crime, the Law Offices of Renee Garcia can provide the experienced, dedicated defense you need.

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Former Alternate Defender Attorney

We offer more than 30 years of criminal law experience. We know how sex crime cases are prepared by the prosecution, what mistakes law enforcement make when investigating cases and what strategies to use to obtain the most favorable results based upon the facts. For Former Deputy Alternate Defender who is a tough, experienced and aggressive lawyer, contact the Law Offices of Renee Garcia, in Tustin, California.

Our Orange County law firm provides relentless defense representation to clients facing Internet sex crime charges involving:

  • Child pornography: We defend clients charged with the possession, distribution or production of child pornography. Child pornography can be pictures or images, e-mail attachments, videos, cell phone images and other graphic images.
  • Internet solicitation of a minor: We represent clients who have been caught in Internet sting operations involving the solicitation of minors over the Internet for sex. These cases frequently involve various other criminal charges such as possession or distribution of child pornography, kidnapping and other charges.

Are the facts really facts?

In cases involving child pornography, online solicitation of minors or other computer sex crimes, the most critical evidence involves the material collected from the individuals’ computer hard drives. Even if you believed something was permanently deleted, computer experts can extract information from your computer’s memory that can be extremely damaging to your case — Web sites you frequently visited, pictures or video images you downloaded or sent to others, e-mails you sent or received, chat room conversation transcripts, etc.

With the insurmountable computer evidence available to the prosecution, if you are facing criminal charges involving Internet solicitation of a minor, possession of child pornography or another computer crime, it is critical to have a lawyer who has the experience and capability to take on such extensive evidence.

We work hard for your freedom

At the criminal defense Law Offices of Renee Garcia, we don’t take the word of the police or prosecution on the evidence. We use our own forensic specialists to analyze the evidence. We explore all other possibilities of how the evidence got onto your computer’s hard drive, such as through other regular users of the computer, e-mail viruses and other potential sources. We also evaluate how this evidence was collected. If search and seizure laws were violated, this evidence cannot be used against you — which could result in the reduction of the charges or complete dismissal of the case.

When an alleged sex crime involves children or minors, police and prosecutors work hard for a conviction. With the Law Offices of Renee Garcia, you can be certain that you have a lawyer on your side who will work even harder for your interests. Contact us for a tough criminal defense lawyer in Orange County or throughout Southern California.

Former Alternate Defender Attorney


We really need to thank you for your efforts on M's behalf over the last few weeks. Your honesty, integrity, skill and experience are all too obvious. You turned a potentially disastrous situation around in no less than truly remarkable fashion.

M. C.

Several years ago I was in a dark place and made a lot of big mistakes. I had a very debilitating drug addiction and was arrested several times on drug and theft related charges. With the help of Mr. Loewenstein I was able to first get my legal problems worked out and then over time I managed to get...


Thank you for everything!!! I could not be happier with the outcome! You have been so wonderful and helpful during this stressful time. I'm not sure I can express how grateful I am... don't be surprised if my first born is named Rudy!

A. N.

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