Combat Veterans Court

If you are a combat veteran who has been or should be diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and you are now charged with committing a crime as a result of that diagnosis, should you be treated differently? We think so. If you have given your time, your effort and your mental and physical health to your country, we think your country should repay that debt by helping, not hurting you.

CONTACT US – 714-309-0639 – Free consultation – Former Deputy Alternate Defender

Luckily in Orange County, the California legislature established Combat Veterans Court, and in 2008, Judge Wendy Lindley opened the doors.

The more familiar your lawyer is with this special court, the better off you will be. Unfortunately many people are not familiar with Combat Veterans Court, including some criminal defense lawyers. However, Renee Garcia is a big proponent of this alternative court and has been very successful in using the Combat Veteran’s Court resources to obtain the help his clients need.

Misdemeanor and felony cases are both considered. Any veteran who was a “member of the military forces of the United States and who served in combat and suffers from PTSD, substance abuse or psychological problems as a result of that service” may be considered.

We are experienced in getting our clients into Combat Veterans Court. At our law firm, we are experienced in helping veterans secure the treatment they need, both legal and emotional. We understand how Combat Veterans Court works and what must be presented in order to qualify for this important alternative. We believe veterans need therapeutic help, not incarceration.

The court is a unique collaborative effort uniting judges, district attorneys, VA representatives, mental health workers and criminal defense attorneys. Renee Garcia has developed a unique ability to navigate this complicated system, thanks to a sincere interest in the court and extensive experience with it. The goal of Combat Veterans Court is to offer the special help veterans need, rather than simply locking them up.

It is crucial to contact an attorney with extensive experience in Combat Veterans Court immediately. And it is important to pursue this alternative from the very beginning of your criminal proceedings . Too many attorneys don’t know anything at all about this court. If you are a combat veteran who suffers from PTSD or TBI, you need an attorney who will understand your situation and be able to offer this specifically crafted solution from the beginning.

Call our office immediately for a free consultation. We can help you get the therapeutic help you need instead of being locked away.

Former Alternate Defender Attorney


We really need to thank you for your efforts on M's behalf over the last few weeks. Your honesty, integrity, skill and experience are all too obvious. You turned a potentially disastrous situation around in no less than truly remarkable fashion.

M. C.

Several years ago I was in a dark place and made a lot of big mistakes. I had a very debilitating drug addiction and was arrested several times on drug and theft related charges. With the help of Mr. Loewenstein I was able to first get my legal problems worked out and then over time I managed to get...


Thank you for everything!!! I could not be happier with the outcome! You have been so wonderful and helpful during this stressful time. I'm not sure I can express how grateful I am... don't be surprised if my first born is named Rudy!

A. N.

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