Domestic Violence
If someone makes a 911 call about domestic violence, chances are high that one of the people involved will be arrested and go to jail before the incident is over. Even worse, that person will more than likely be served with a temporary restraining order that prohibits any contact with the other individual or with the children involved. The police are under pressure to take aggressive action — and they do.
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If you were the one arrested or if you are concerned about the person arrested, contact a lawyer who will take aggressive action on behalf of the one arrested. At the Law Offices of Renee Garcia in Orange County, California, we respond immediately and appropriately when a client needs our services.
The earlier you get help, the better. At our law firm, we will begin our own investigation into the domestic violence charges. It can be difficult to sort through the many versions of a spousal abuse or family violence issue and get to the truth of what happened. The prosecution wants a conviction — a quick plea, if possible. Our law firm wants to protect your rights and get the charges dropped.
Domestic violence charges complicate family life. An emergency protective order (EPO) will likely be filed immediately following the arrest. That will keep you away from your home and your family for at least five to seven days. An experienced criminal defense lawyer can challenge the temporary order and fight against a permanent order. Violation of a protective order — even if the alleged victim says it’s OK — can mean even worse problems that come with a new criminal charge and increased bail.
Avoid the limitations of a permanent protective order: Permanent protective orders can be extremely restrictive. You may be prohibited from making any contact with the protected parties — including telephone, e-mail or any other contact — and could only be granted supervised visitation with your children. Permanent orders of protection can last up to three years and strict requirements make it difficult to lift the restrictions — even if the other party wants the order lifted. The court will require the alleged victim to complete a counseling program — a Personal Empowerment Program — that focuses on his or her rights, how to handle future family issues and how to avoid getting abused. Once this program is completed, the court may change a no contact order to a peaceful contact order.
Contact a lawyer who knows how to fight for you. Domestic violence charges should be taken seriously. Attorney Renee Garcia has more than 30 years of experience with domestic violence cases in Southern California. As your criminal defense lawyer, he wants you out of jail, free of the charges against you and free of the limitations of a restraining order.
A domestic violence conviction can affect your relationships with your children and other family members. You can be prevented from ever owning a firearm. You may have to take mandatory classes or enroll in a treatment program. You will have a criminal record, and you will lose your freedom. There is too much at stake to trust your case in the hands of an inexperienced attorney.
Don’t take chances. Contact us today for a free initial consultation. From our criminal law offices in Tustin, California, we defend clients facing domestic violence charges in Orange County and throughout Southern California.